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●Happy 2022! Keep working hard & enjoy life!  ●語言學習沒有捷徑, 持續努力才能邁向成功! (*^o^*)  ●Happiness comes from your own actions.  ●Work hard and don't give up hope.  ●Every day brings new choices. Stay positive!  ●Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.  ●Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.  
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Melissa Yang
  ♥ Happy 2022 Chinese/Lunar New Year of Tiger! 民國111年(壬寅―肖虎)、新年快樂吉祥!

♥ Greetings from Teacher Melissa: (Melissa老師的祝福)
Gong Xi Fa Cai & have a happy and prosperous New Year of the Tiger!
恭喜發財並祝2022虎虎生威、新年快樂! (*^o^*)

♥ Celebrations of the Lunar New Year (歡慶春節)~
Things people usually do: (春節習俗)
1. Clean your home before the first day of Lunar New Year. (大年初一前、打掃家裡)
2. Put up spring couplets. (貼春聯)
3. Enjoy a reunion meal. (吃團圓飯)
4. Wear articles of red clothing. (穿戴紅色衣物, 象徵好運.)
5. Set off fireworks. (放鞭炮)
6. The younger generation stays up late on New Year's Eve. (晚輩在除夕夜守歲, 祈求長輩長壽.)
7. Visit family and friends to pass on your wishes on good fortune for the New Year. (造訪親友、互道新年吉祥)
2022-02-08 20:03:48

Melissa Yang
  Happy Moon Festival!

Moon Festival, celebrated by the Chinese people, is on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. This year, it falls on September 21st.

Moon Festival means family reunion and happiness. The most well-known customs of Moon Festival include watching the moon, eating mooncakes, having dinner with family, and lighting lanterns. In Taiwan, having barbecues is a very popular activity.

The legends of the Moon Festival, such as The Goddess Chang-Er flying to the Moon, Wu Gang the Lumberjack, The Jade Rabbit Pounding Herb Medicine, have been told and handed down for over 1,000 years, since the Tang Dynasty.

♥ Melissa老師祝福大家有個愉快、平安的中秋假期! ♥♥
♥ 貼心提醒:防疫期間多戴口罩、勤洗手,大家都平安健康快樂喔!♥♥
2021-09-20 17:14:31

Melissa Yang
  Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

Dragon Boat Festival, celebrated by the Chinese people, is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month. This year, it falls on June 14th. The most well-known customs of Dragon Boat Festival include eating dumplings, racing dragon boats, hanging wormwood on the door, drinking realgar wine, and standing eggs upright at noon.

♥ Melissa老師祝福大家有個愉快、平安的端午假期! ♥
2021-06-14 12:42:08

Melissa Yang
  COVID-19 [2019新型冠狀病毒特別報導2]

Let’s stop the spread!

What should we do to keep away from COVID-19? [如何遠離冠狀病毒?]

1. Wash your hands with soap frequently, especially before eating. [常用肥皂洗手,尤其是吃東西前!]
2. Clean your smartphone with 75% alcohol frequently. [個人手機也需常用75%酒精清潔]
3. Wear medical masks in public or crowded areas. [在公共及人潮擁擠區,戴上口罩!]
4. Wear medical masks when you are sick. [生病時,戴上口罩!]
5. Avoid sharing things like cups and towels. [避免共用杯子或毛巾等物品!]
6. Avoid large crowds or touching wild animals. [避免前往人潮擁擠地方或接觸野生動物]

* 戴口罩的小提醒~
Make sure your medical mask covers your nose and mouth. [確保口罩覆蓋住你的鼻子和嘴巴!]
2020-12-11 13:28:31

Melissa Yang
  COVID-19 [2019新型冠狀病毒特別報導1]

Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear in 2 to 14 days after exposure.

A. Words (單字):
1. Coronavirus [冠狀病毒]
2. disease [疾病]
3. surgical/medical mask [口罩]
4. coughing [咳嗽]
5. fever [發燒]
6. vomiting [嘔吐]
7. diarrhea [腹瀉]

B. How can Coronavirus be spread?
1. Person to person by close contact.
2. The air. (Coughing or sneezing.)
空氣傳播 (咳嗽或打噴嚏)
3. Touching dirty objects and then directly touching the nose, mouth or eyes.

C. What are the signs and symptoms?
1. The most common symptoms: coughing, fever, breathing problems, weak and sore limbs.
最常見的症狀: 咳嗽, 發燒, 呼吸困難, 虛弱與四肢痠痛.
2. In some cases: vomiting & diarrhea.
某些病例的症狀: 嘔吐和腹瀉.
3. In advanced cases: pneumonia, kidney failure, or death.
重症病例的症狀: 肺炎, 腎衰竭或死亡.
2020-11-16 14:37:02

Melissa Yang
  《雙語時事 Bilingual News》
5G時代~物聯網 生活到底有什麼不同?
The coming age of 5G and the Internet of Things 5G+

In the era of 5G data communication, downloading a high-definition movie will take just one second. It’s much more than just ultra-fast communication speeds, however. Imagine this: while riding in an autonomous car you’re wearing a pair of smart glasses and watching the 2022 Qatar World Cup opening ceremony from far away in Southwest Asia. Meanwhile, your friend sitting next to you is discussing with their chief physician the next stage of their post-chemoresistance cancer treatment.

In fact, the greatest change will come from the way that 5G alters our lives through the Internet of Things (IoT), both at home and at work. In homes today we have smart speakers, but this will be just one component of IoT. Just like in a science fiction movie, an AI-driven personal assistant will be at your beck and call, conjured up with a verbal command anytime, anywhere.

When we enjoy the convenience of 5G, we should take care not to forget the potential for harm the new technology may bring. An over-reliance on technology strips us of the ability to think for ourselves, and can also deliver an unhealthy level of convenience. It can also have the side effect of significantly reducing face-to-face, interpersonal interaction, inhibit intimacy between family members and cause friendships to become distant. With fewer reasons to go outdoors, people may become increasingly homebound and trapped in their own worlds, potentially leading to mental illness. Although 5G will bring an unprecedented amount of convenience, it could also have the unintentional effect of depleting our physical and mental experience.
[Excerpted from Taipei Times]
2019-09-30 11:48:58

Melissa Yang
  Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

Dragon Boat Festival, celebrated by the Chinese people, is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month. This year, it falls on May 30th. The most well-known customs of Dragon Boat Festival include eating dumplings, racing dragon boats, hanging wormwood on the door, drinking realgar wine, and standing eggs upright at noon.

2017-05-26 21:11:08

Melissa Yang
  Chinese/Lunar New Year dos and don'ts (春節"應該做"和"不該做"的事)~
Things you should do:
1. Clean your home. (打掃家裡)
2. Eat dumplings (吃水餃)
3. Set off fireworks. (放鞭炮)
4. Wear articles of red clothing. (穿戴紅色衣物, 象徵好運.)
5. Children should stay up late on New Year's Eve. (晚輩在除夕夜守歲, 祈求長輩長壽.)
6. Visit family and friends to pass on your wishes on good fortune for the New Year. (造訪親友道恭喜新年)

Things you should avoid:
1. Don't clean post-New Year. (年初一不打掃或倒垃圾, 象徵不把財富掃出門.)
2. Don't buy books. (不買書, 因為書的諧音是"輸")
3. Don't wear white or black clothing. (不穿白色或黑色衣物, 不吉利.)
4. Don't wash hair on the first day of the New Year. (初一不洗頭, 因為髮的諧音是"發")
5. Don't swear or quarrel. (不要口出惡言或與人爭吵)
6. Don't break any dishes. In the event of breaking a dish, quickly say "Peace for all time." (不小心打破盤子要馬上說"碎碎[歲歲]平安")

Greetings from Teacher Melissa:
Gong Xi Fa Cai & have a happy and prosperous New Year of the Rooster!
恭喜發財並祝2017新年快樂! (*^o^*)
2017-01-29 14:23:44

  Happy 2017 Lunar Year of Rooster!  
2017-01-26 16:02:59