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●Happy 2022! Keep working hard & enjoy life!  ●語言學習沒有捷徑, 持續努力才能邁向成功! (*^o^*)  ●Happiness comes from your own actions.  ●Work hard and don't give up hope.  ●Every day brings new choices. Stay positive!  ●Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.  ●Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.  
雙語月主題節慶日Bilingual Monthly Festival/ Holiday
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雙語月主題節慶日Bilingual Monthly Festival/ Holiday

03月主題(March) ~ 世界氣象日 World Meteorological Day

從1961年開始,世界氣象組織訂定每年的03月23日為「世界氣象日」(World Meteorological Day),又稱「國際氣象日」。近年全球氣候巨大變遷,各地極端天氣引發許多自然災害,造成嚴重的損失。人們雖然無法阻止自然災害的發生,但可以對災害進行提前預防,降低災害所造成的影響。


世界氣象組織在每年會選定一個宣導主題,如2011年的「人與氣候」,2012年的「天氣、氣候和水為未來增添動力」,在全球進行慶祝活動,並向各會員政府和公眾進行氣象宣導教育2013年的主題是「關注天氣,守護家園!」 而2017年的主題是「觀雲識天」以突出表現雲在天氣氣候預測和水循環中的巨大作用

Each year, on March 23rd, the World Meteorological Organization(WMO) and the worldwide meteorological community celebrate World Meteorological Day世界氣象日around a chosen theme since 1961.  During the past few decades, there have been severe natural disasters and damages caused by the global climate changes.  It is crucial to study, prevent and bring down the damages for less environmental impact.

The WMO often features various events such as conferences and exhibitions for meteorological professionals, community leaders and the general public, so to develop and promote the applications of aviatic, marine, hydraulic, agricultural, and other actions.

The theme of 2017 is “Understanding Clounds.”  The theme of 2013 is “Watching the weather to protect life and property.”  The WMO will host a Scientific and Technical Forum to mark World Meteorological Day. The forum provides an overview of the past successes of World Weather Watch and its evolution into the 21st century.  The yearly theme brochure and pages on weather, climate and water science can be easily found on the WMO website.

{中英文編輯: Melissa Yang}



02月主題(February) ~ 元宵節(正月十五日) Lantern Festival   

元宵節(Lantern Festival)是農曆新年後的第一個月圓之夜(正月十五日),象徵著春天的到來,與春節、清明、端午、中秋、並列為中國重要傳統民俗節日。元宵節的習俗主要有吃元宵、猜燈謎和賞花燈。


The Lantern Festival元宵節)is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar. It stands for the approaching of springtime. The Chinese celebrate Lantern Festival as one of their important traditional holidays such as Chinese New Year, Tomb Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival, and Moon Festival.

Traditionally, the displaying of lanterns, guessing of latern riddles, and eating yuanxiao (sweet rice balls) are the most popular and anticipated events of the Lantern Festival.

In Taiwan, the festival has been celebrated islandwide with a series of traditional activities such as Pingxi(平溪)Sky Lantern Festival, Yenshui(鹽水)Fireworks Festival, Taitung(臺東)Boombing of Han Dan, and Ponghu(澎湖)Praying for Blessing Ceremony.  Besides Taiwan and China, there are also celebrations of the Lantern Festival held in other countries such as Japan, Korea and Malaysia.

{中英文編輯: Melissa Yang}


